This has, in fact, turned out to be a wonderful escape clause for dishonest employers everywhere. 事实上,这已经成为所有狡猾的雇主们用来躲避责任的绝妙条款。
I wouldn't want an escape clause. I wouldn't ask for one and I wouldn't need that. 我不想要一个解约条款,我不会要求这个,而且我也不需要。
Make sure your agreement has an escape clause. 要确定你的合约有免责条款。
There is an escape clause to avoid penalties if Europe faces a general shock such as the financial crisis. 有一个例外条款可以免除惩罚,条件是欧洲受到如这次金融危机那样的全面冲击。
Break clause; escape clause; jeopardy clause: a clause in a Eurocurrency agreement specifying that, if certain events curtail the lender's activity or the operation of the euromarkets, other designated actions will come into effect. 中断条款;免责条款:指欧洲货币协定中的一项条款,规定在出现某种妨碍贷款人活动或欧洲共同市场业务的事件时,其他预定的行动将生效。
There is an escape clause for Daimler if the economy deteriorates rapidly. 如果德国经济快速恶化,戴姆勒可启动一项例外条款。
The second part analysis concretely the escape clause of GPA non-discrimination principle and makes a careful and comprehensive sorting out study about various exceptions, seeking the basis of international law for China to join GPA to implement the secondary policies. 第二部分,具体分析GPA非歧视原则的例外条款。较为细致全面地对各种例外空间进行梳理,为我国加入GPA合法实施次级政策寻找国际法依据。
The first part analyzes theoretical value of the system from intension, constitutive requirements and consequences of divesting accusatorial right, to prove escape clause rationality. 第一部分从程序违法责问失权的内涵及构成要件着手,从实践中总结责问权丧失所产生的后果,分析该制度的理论价值,以此证明失权例外存在的合理性。